Celebration of the 175th anniversary of Tchaikovsky

May 28
Russian Center New York cordially invites you to an evening in celebration of the 175th birthday of the Great Russian composer Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky. The festivities will be held at the Van Alen Mansion«More»

140th Birthday Anniversary of Nicholas Roerich

“There is a hidden gem, the Nicholas Roerich Museum, in the Upper West Side of Manhattan that not many New Yorkers know about. Here one can learn about a unique Russian artist, unparalleled as a prolific painter, who also succeeded in literature, philosophy, theosophy, archeology as well as a devoted defender of the preservation and protection … Read more


В США в последние годы вырос интерес к наследию Николая Рериха, считает директор единственного на Западе музея работ этого художника…

NYS Senate Endorses Russian April

A delegation of the 50 member “Coalition in Support of Russian American History Month,” lead by chairman Dr. Olga Zatsepina, traveled to Albany, capitol of New York State, on Tuesday March 5, 2013, to witness the  submission of a Senate resolution of great importance to the Russian American community. Directing himself to the broad smiles … Read more