2015 The 9th Children’s Festival of Russian Culture

April 18, 2015 This years children’s festival was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory Day and was held at the Consulate General of Russia in New York City. Veterans and their families where delighted by performances of Russian songs and dances  by children’s folk ensembles the Golden Rooster (New York), Matroshki (Washington, D.C.) Krasnaya … Читать далее

A Concert of Russian Music

February 5, 2010 Harbor Conservatory for the Performing Arts 1 East 104th Street, 3 Floor Maxim Anikushkin – Piano, Alexander Zak-Narration Prokofiev (1891-1953) From Fleeting Visions # 5,6,8,10,16,18 Peter and the Wolf Op. 67 for piano and narrator Y. Merkulyeva (1956- ) Mirage for Piano Solo (1991) Intermission Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) From Seasons, Op. 37 bis … Читать далее

YOLKA 2014 December 13

13 декабря в Генеральном консульстве России в Нью-Йорке прошел праздник Новогодней ёлки, который в 8 раз был организован Русско-американским культурным центром “Наследие” (РАКСИ). Генеральным спонсором Ёлки, как и каждый год, является Генеральное консульство РФ. Среди гостей праздника были русские, русскоязычные, усыновленные из России дети и дети из смешанных семей, где один из родителей русский. Генеральный … Читать далее

140th Birthday Anniversary of Nicholas Roerich

“There is a hidden gem, the Nicholas Roerich Museum, in the Upper West Side of Manhattan that not many New Yorkers know about. Here one can learn about a unique Russian artist, unparalleled as a prolific painter, who also succeeded in literature, philosophy, theosophy, archeology as well as a devoted defender of the preservation and protection … Читать далее


В США в последние годы вырос интерес к наследию Николая Рериха, считает директор единственного на Западе музея работ этого художника…

NYS Senate Endorses Russian April

A delegation of the 50 member “Coalition in Support of Russian American History Month,” lead by chairman Dr. Olga Zatsepina, traveled to Albany, capitol of New York State, on Tuesday March 5, 2013, to witness the  submission of a Senate resolution of great importance to the Russian American community. Directing himself to the broad smiles … Читать далее

The 3rd Russian-American History Month in NYS

For the third year in a row, New Yorkers celebrated Russian-American History Month! Numerous events took place in New York City to commemorate “Russian April” and honored the contributions of Russians and Russian Americans to the fields of art, literature, music, and much more!

The 3rd Russian-American History Month in NYS

Read the History Month Publication

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2014 The 8th Children’s Festival of Russian Culture

May 17, 2014 NYU Skirball Performance Center RACH-C held its 8th annual “Children’s Festival of Russian Culture” at the NYU Performing Arts Center (Skirball Hall.) As usual there were exceptionally talented Children’s Russian Folk Ensembles from as far as Canada and Virginia joining local NY metro area groups in providing a taste of centuries old … Читать далее