New York Celebrates the Fifth Russian American History Month

Backed by a coalition of some 50 organizations, Olga Zatsepina, president of RACH-C, (The Russian American Cultural Heritage Center Inc.) and Chair of the Russian American History Month Coalition, appealed to the Senate of New York in 2012 to help establish a month to bring awareness of the contributions of Russian Americans. The Senate passed … Читать далее

Immortal Regiment rally

© New York Photographer Roman Makhmutov

May 6th
New York

The Immortal Regiment is an international public rally, held annually since 2012 to commemorate the veterans of the greatest global catastrophe in the history of mankind – World War II. (More)

Russian Nobility Ball 2017

© New York Photographer Roman Makhmutov

May 5th
The Hotel Pierre, New York

The Russian Nobility Association in America will celebrate its thirty-seventh annual Spring ball and its eighty-third year in 2017. «More»