Russian Opera Mini Festival

November 18, 2012  Presented by a consortium of three Long Island public libraries, and the Town of Oyster Bay Distinguished Artists Series, and in association with the RACH-C. Dr. Olga Zatsepina was on hand to offer some opening & closing remarks at a performance during the Russian Opera Mini-Festival held on Long Island. The festival … Читать далее

“Russians in the USA” presentation in Moscow

September 26, 2012 Dr. Olga Zatsepina and Dr. Alexander Ruchkin gave a presentation on their co-authored book, Russians in the USA, to an audience at the Alexander Solzhenitsyn Russia Abroad House in Moscow. They were joined by Russian officials to discuss the Russian Diaspora in the USA for the first Russian-American History Month April 2012 … Читать далее

Komsomolskaya Pravda Newspaper Radio

September 8, 2012 RACH-C president Dr. Olga Zatsepina took part in a radio program of Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, “In search of the truth,” hosted by Elena Hanga. Dr. Zatsepina was joined by historian Dmitry Fost to discuss the topic of the “Russian Nobility in the USA still consider Russia their Motherland.” [button color=”blue” url=””]Listen to … Читать далее

2012 The 6th Children’s Festival of Russian Culture at Symphony Space

June 10, 2012 On Sunday, June 10, 2012 the 6th RACH-C international “Children’s Festival of Russian Culture” dedicated to the birthday of Alexander Pushkin went to Broadway — the Peter Norton Symphony Space theater at 95th Street. More than 100 children in 7 Ensemble groups participated in what was generally hailed as a remarkable exhibition … Читать далее

Celebrating the 67th Anniversary of Victory Day

May 2012 Throughout the month of May RACH-C has been distributing St. George Ribbons to Veterans and other individuals. For the first time, a volunteer distributed them at Macy’s to the delight of shoppers, most who had never heard of this Russian holiday.   May 8, 2012: RACH-C celebrated Victory Day with WWII Veterans at … Читать далее

“Russian in the US” Book Presentation at Columbia University

April 25, 2012 Columbia University, NYC Together with the Harriman Institute (at Columbia University), The Russian American Cultural Heritage Center (RACH-C) presented “Russians in the US: Organizations of Russian Emigration in XX-XXI Centuries.“ “Russians in the US” is a major contribution to the discussion of the role of distinguished Russian-American organizations from the 1900′s to the present. … Читать далее

Special Screening of “Downtown Express”

April 21, 2012   As part of Russian-American History Month, RACH-C hosted a special screening of “Downtown Express” at The QUADcinema, which was followed by a Q&A with stars Philippe Quint and Nellie McKay, moderated by Svetlana Batrak of the RACH-C. [vimeo 37808961] Set in the world of Russian immigrants living in New York City, Downtown … Читать далее

US Senate Unanimously Adopted the Resolution, Declaring April Russian-American History Month in New York State

For the first time a delegation of Russian-Americans was present in the senate on April 17th when New York State Senator Adriano introduced the resolution which was adopted by the senate and sent to Governor Andrew Cuomo for his signature. The resolution was passed on the 19th, officially making April 2012 Russian-American History Month.