NYS Senate Endorses Russian April

A delegation of the 50 member “Coalition in Support of Russian American History Month,” lead by chairman Dr. Olga Zatsepina, traveled to Albany, capitol of New York State, on Tuesday March 5, 2013, to witness the  submission of a Senate resolution of great importance to the Russian American community. Directing himself to the broad smiles … Читать далее

The 3rd Russian-American History Month in NYS

For the third year in a row, New Yorkers celebrated Russian-American History Month! Numerous events took place in New York City to commemorate “Russian April” and honored the contributions of Russians and Russian Americans to the fields of art, literature, music, and much more!

The 3rd Russian-American History Month in NYS

Read the History Month Publication

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“Russians in the USA” presentation in Moscow

September 26, 2012 Dr. Olga Zatsepina and Dr. Alexander Ruchkin gave a presentation on their co-authored book, Russians in the USA, to an audience at the Alexander Solzhenitsyn Russia Abroad House in Moscow. They were joined by Russian officials to discuss the Russian Diaspora in the USA for the first Russian-American History Month April 2012 … Читать далее

Special Screening of “Downtown Express”

April 21, 2012   As part of Russian-American History Month, RACH-C hosted a special screening of “Downtown Express” at The QUADcinema, which was followed by a Q&A with stars Philippe Quint and Nellie McKay, moderated by Svetlana Batrak of the RACH-C. [vimeo 37808961] Set in the world of Russian immigrants living in New York City, Downtown … Читать далее

US Senate Unanimously Adopted the Resolution, Declaring April Russian-American History Month in New York State

For the first time a delegation of Russian-Americans was present in the senate on April 17th when New York State Senator Adriano introduced the resolution which was adopted by the senate and sent to Governor Andrew Cuomo for his signature. The resolution was passed on the 19th, officially making April 2012 Russian-American History Month.

Songs by Long Island Jewish Composers

This concert, featuring  Jewish composers, is presented by The Long Island Composers Alliance (LICA) and The Russian American Cultural Heritage Center (RACH-C). This concert is in conjunction with the American Library Association’s traveling exhibit “A Fine Romance,” which focuses on the contributions of Jewish composers to Broadway’s music from Irving Berlin to Leonard Bernstein. The concert … Читать далее

The First Russian-American History Month in New York State

For the first time in the three-century old history of Russians in the United States of America, the month of April will be celebrated in New York State as Russian-American History Month. Official recognition of the contributions of Russian Americans to the development of the United States will also serve to strengthen friendly relations between … Читать далее