“Russians in the USA” presentation in Moscow

September 26, 2012 Dr. Olga Zatsepina and Dr. Alexander Ruchkin gave a presentation on their co-authored book, Russians in the USA, to an audience at the Alexander Solzhenitsyn Russia Abroad House in Moscow. They were joined by Russian officials to discuss the Russian Diaspora in the USA for the first Russian-American History Month April 2012 … Read more

“Russian in the US” Book Presentation at Columbia University

April 25, 2012 Columbia University, NYC Together with the Harriman Institute (at Columbia University), The Russian American Cultural Heritage Center (RACH-C) presented “Russians in the US: Organizations of Russian Emigration in XX-XXI Centuries.“ “Russians in the US” is a major contribution to the discussion of the role of distinguished Russian-American organizations from the 1900′s to the present. … Read more